the layout of life

Recently, I came upon some realizations aloud in conversation. This rarely happens; I usually think and write, not think and talk. I said: 

I felt like I was living life in 3rd person 


That I had FOMO on my own life (I didn’t want to miss out on my own life) 

After all, each moment happens only once. 

A focus on being present has helped me alleviate stress, while maintaining my excitement and growing my plans for the future. I have to keep this from turning into a hyperfocus

Life is like a train… 

I don’t know where this metaphor is going. Back to the point. 

One advantage of this focus on the present is that my plans have become more detailed. This is so I can afford to focus on the now, leaving ample time for future me to handle things. On the other hand, overfocusing on the present has made me neglect things like sleep and eating healthy, things that build effect over periods of time. 

Thinking about a whole day can be a lot to digest at times, so I break it down into 2 or 3 hours and what comes next, after briefly scanning the whole day’s itinerary. But thinking about food in terms of days and weeks helps with regimes and nutrition and strong habits. 

I’ve forgotten this and my generally successful vegan diet has collapsed into a failing vegan diet, which I feel little remorse about. I’m confident I can get a grip on it, if I’m able to increase my awareness. That’s where sleep comes in. 

Sleep, oh, my sleep has suffered far worse than my diet. The schedule is all over the place, extremely inconsistent save for snatches of half-weeks here and there. Rarely before 12, and in the past half month, before 2 AM. I’m not troubled, just usually bothered. By what? 

Assignments, projects, an obsession over fulfilling my checklist… All things will be worked out in the grace of God.  

These are two reflections from my first semester as a full-time uni student, and they deal with the building blocks of a healthy life. They’re also going to be two of my prayer requests going into next semester. I’m glad God pointed them out to me. 

If you’re a student what has God shown you this semester? If not, this past half year?

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