(on the loss of linguistic energy)
What are some assumptions you make about excellent writers, artists, dancers and creatives in general?
That they like their art and want to pursue it full time. They do it all the time, never get tired of it, and are like, super impressive. But that’s not true because I get tired of painting and I bet you get tired of writing sometimes too.
Pomegranate, ¹4.⅚ and 3¾, Painter/Author/Professional Painter
They have big imaginations and probably short attention spans and good patience.
Maddie, 27, Professional Sandwich Taster
In case you didn’t know, I am a writer. I write fantasy, contemporary, and nonfiction (which you are hopefully familiar with). In more fantastic description, I am a 🌠 storyteller🌠.
As I near the end of my second novel, I’ve come across a burdensome observation. Storytelling often feels like trying to be a god of your own fictional world.
This is demanding because the real God knows everything that’s going to happen, yet he’s not deciding for us. (We have free will because we’re made in His image. We’re not puppets on His strings.)
Verbally, this happens very visibly.
One approach to writing stories that has stuck with me is the idea that stories exist out there, and each author is just discovering and unconvering them. I like this approach best, because it sounds like it involves little work.
Discovery, like being an archeologist (in my childish dreams), involves paintbrushes and the gentle peeling away of leaves and dust. Then, BOOM, the story is in front of you, maybe a little cracked, but certainly already finished.
A little gorilla glue, spit and duct tape, and DOUBLE BOOM, the story is perfectly unperfect, ready for publishing.
I can tell you that 5 projects, 3 years, and over 200,000 words later, I was wrong.
This idealistic approach became a struggle, very fast.
It is a struggle, as a striving writer, to pretend I know that’s what’s going to, and what is meant to happen in my mini universe.
I subconsciously promised myself that I would get most of it right on the first draft, and while this soothed me while looking at the big plan, it boggled my mind on a normal day. This may not be the healthiest goal when struggling with perfection, but I stick to it because I would rather complete my project well than complete it poorly. Still, when I detach myself, it sometimes seems impossible to finish writing a correct story in reasonable time.
I mean, even now, when I’m not guaranteeing to have it right on the first draft, it’s a lot of pressure since I’m often already busy overthinking.
Believing in yourself is a big step worth recognizing. When you say, “I can do it, I can realize this story into something others can see and learn from,” you should really be saying, “I believe the God of creation and all universes out there has given me a spectacular talent to please Him and people.”
“‘Be strong and courageous! Don’t tremble or be terrified, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’”
Amen to that. That’s healthy self-love, dependent on God’s constant love.
God has all the authority (Matthew 28:18), so I know he can enable you to do whatever is good in His name.
“‘Be strong and courageous! Don’t tremble or be terrified, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’”
Joshua 1:9, God’s Word Version
What do you have trouble believing you can do? What would you like to do, empowered by God’s perfect love? Let me know in the comments!
To stay encouraged in the Word, check out some verses: What the Bible Says About Empowerment